York County Beekeepers Association

August Open Hive Rundown

The York County Beekeepers Association held an open hive on August 19th on a beautiful and sunny day in Kennebunkport.  Jen Lund, our state apiarist, led the open hive with 20 YCBA members in attendance. We were also fortunate to have the MSBA beekeeper of the year and Maine Bee company owner Jason Peters travel down with Jen to participate in the open hive. Jen inspected two full size colonies and one nucleus colony with a focus on the current

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York Woods & Tree Honey Tasting Contest

Congratulations to YCBA member Paul Douglas who won second place at this event with a cash prize and bragging rights! When Paul got home he made sure to tell the bees. (Photo credit York Woods Tree and Products/Cassie Lewis)

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MSBA 2023 Annual Meeting Registration Now Open

MSBA Annual Meeting and Conference Bucksport Middle School on Saturday, October 21st 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM  Hosted by Tri-County Beekeepers Club Speakers at this year’s conference are Paul Kelly, manager of the Honey Bee Research Centre at the University of Guelph, Ontario; Sierra Shaw, a food preparation inspector for the Department of Agriculture; and Maine State Apiarist Jennifer Lund will present the “State of the State” address. The Annual Meeting is a full day of learning, camaraderie and fun.

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Open Hive at Emery Farm Honey

Joe Barberi hosted about 20 YCBA members on the first blue sky day in more than a week. Joe opened four colonies, and while primarily inspecting for brood pattern, larvae development and finding the queen, answered questions and gave tips on: splits, swarm prevention, bee behavior, sting treatments, queen genetics, ventilation holes, and using a queen excluder to prevent a re-swarming. Everyone had lots of opportunity for close up looks at beautifully filled frames of very cooperative bees. Thanks go

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“Off Season” is the Busy Season for Outreach and Education

YCBA members participated in several ‘off season’ outreach and educational events including staffing the MSBA table at the Maine Agricultural and Forest Products Show in January in Augusta. In March, YCBA members participated in the Department of Ag’s ‘Agriculture in the Classroom’ program by reading this year’s book pick, Honey Bee-The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera to students at Hollis Elementary School and Wells Elementary School. In April, the third graders at Shapleigh Memorial School in Waterboro were a terrific

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2022 BeeSeasonal Celebration

About 30 members gathered on December 12th to celebrate another year of beekeeping with a pot luck dinner, raffles, recognition of YCBA’s newest Master Beekeepers, and election of officers. Joe Barberi, Lynne Gobeil, and Kevin McDonnell achieved their Master Beekeeper certifications with Lynne Lincourt only one test away from earning hers. The raffles featured many beautiful bee related items including two 5-year Beeing Apis calendars donated by YCBA cartoonist Rob Hull. Newly elected to the executive board were Valerie Cole

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YCBA Smoker Contest

York County Beekeepers held its first annual Smoker Contest at the August Open Hive at Sandie Hamel’s apiary. Six members participated in the contest using a variety of fuels from traditional pine sprills and newspaper, to custom mixes. Everyone was a winner, especially Valerie Cole whose smoker using traditional materials lasted through the open hive and potluck lunch (about 3 1/2 hours), and Joe Barberi whose ‘Marly Bomb’ lasted a total of 9 hours and 10 minutes. About 20 YCBA

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Nucs, Splits and Using a Snelgrove Board Hands-On Workshop

We had a good turnout for this event, about 30 members. Vice President Joe Barberi brought all the woodenware for this demonstration and described the process for making nucs and splits. He showed how to use the Snelgrove board (also known as a double screen board). Joe also demonstrated his own invention, the “Snelly” which improves on the Snelgrove by redirecting heat and air flow within the split.

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