York County Beekeepers Association

YCBA Teaching Apiary Under Development!

Have you heard the exciting news?

The York County Beekeepers Association is building out a teaching apiary in South Berwick!

A South Berwick CSA’s apiary has fallen into disrepair after several years without any beekeeping management.  They asked if the YCBA would be interested in taking over the care of the bees, which they enjoy for pollination of their crops.  

An agreement was reached and signed with the farm, and the opportunity is allowing the YCBA to expand their apiary to a new site on the farm, with new equipment for the surviving colonies, to be used as a teaching apiary.  

The YCBA membership approved the budget for the apiary at the February 12th meeting, and a Maine State Beekeepers Association grant for $1000 to be used towards the preparation of the teaching apiary was received the following week.

Lynne Gobeil and Lynne Lincourt have spearheaded the apiary committee, and three sessions with YCBA volunteers have been hosted to construct and paint beekeeping equipment for the hives for April.  Additionally, Neil Goodwin has been working hard on acquisition of materials and construction of a beekeeping shed to store equipment onsite for the apiary!

If interested in helping out with the apiary, reach out to Lynne G. (YCBA.ME.memberhip@gmail.com) to see what you can help with. 

Keep your eyes out for more news on progress, and future plans for education at the new apiary!


The original farm apiary

The shed for the new apiary, in progress!

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