York County Beekeepers Association

Membership & Benefits


The York County Beekeepers Association provides members with many benefits, including, but not limited to:

Regular Club Meetings – Members are welcome to attend club meetings

Open Hive Sessions & Workshops – Free open hive sessions and some other workshops require membership in the YCBA.

New-Beekeeper Mentoring – Some of York’s most experienced beekeepers offer their knowledge and insight to club-members.  If you’re a new beekeeper, or if you’ve been tending hives for years and just want to check with a friend, it’s great to have someone to turn to.

Honey Extractors – The YCBA owns extractors that are available to club members for use in-season.

For extractor rental e-mail Lynne Gobeil  – YCBA.me.membership@gmail.com

Observation Hive – The YCBA owns an observation hive that is available to club members for a 1 week rental.

YCBA Google Group – Members are welcome to join the YCBA Google Group, an internet forum where questions and answers may be posted. This can be very helpful for beginner beekeepers.

YCBA SWARM Google Group – Members who are amenable to the usage agreement may join the email list dedicated to responding to requests made to the club for assistance with swarms, cutouts and trapouts.

YCBA Facebook Group – Members may also join the YCBA Facebook Group, another way of keeping in touch with fellow members, and getting updates that pertain to the club.

Find out how to become a member now!

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