York County Beekeepers Association

“Off Season” is the Busy Season for Outreach and Education

YCBA members participated in several ‘off season’ outreach and educational events including staffing the MSBA table at the Maine Agricultural and Forest Products Show in January in Augusta.

In March, YCBA members participated in the Department of Ag’s ‘Agriculture in the Classroom’ program by reading this year’s book pick, Honey Bee-The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera to students at Hollis Elementary School and Wells Elementary School.

In April, the third graders at Shapleigh Memorial School in Waterboro were a terrific audience for a presentation on the importance of honey bees. Students tried on bee gear, and sampled different honeys and voted for their favorite.

And just before April vacation, every student in grades PreK to 8 at St. James School in Biddeford got to hear Nancy Naimey and Kevin McDonnell talk about beekeeping, as part of the school’s Health and Wellness Fair. Kevin said the kids had great questions.

Outreach/Education events continued in May with a 90 minute presentation and honey tasting at D. A. Hurd Library in North Berwick, and with information and honey sampling at the Spring Pollinator Festival at Rotary Park in Biddeford on May 13.

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